The Green

  • Location: Solihull, West Midlands
  • Acquired: 5.95 acres in 2022
  • Bought for: £9,000,000

The Green is previously developed brownfield land located on the prominent A34 Stratford Road. Due to various planning constraints the development of new housing in the area has been limited, making the demand for family homes very high. Our vision was to create much-needed housing that’s as exceptionally designed as it is connected.

Creation through collaboration

We worked closely with the previous landowners throughout the outline planning process. This ensured a smooth transition as the site progressed with the planning authority. We took the same collaborative approach with the council during the design part of the process.
The result was approval for 109 2, 3 & 4 bedroom homes, including 48 2 bedroom apartments, to accommodate both first time buyers and growing families.

Thoughtful design

  • Integrating bespoke apartment blocks into the existing street scene
  • Creating two focal duplexes with bespoke balconies and roof terraces
  • Elevating the development with improved materials
  • Ensuring standout and street scene variation through custom design features such as brick detail
  •  Ensuring a biodiversity net gain across the site

Well-connected communities

  • Including areas of community open space
  • Linking to the wider pedestrian footpath network
  • Introducing the wider site’s first affordable housing
  • Providing convenient access to nearby shops and schools
  • Electric Vehicle Charging to all homes
A true flagship development which has turned many heads and sets the tone for our ambition to become the most respected privately owned housebuilder.
CARL HEALEYWain Homes, Managing Director of Severn Valley